Blog #20 January 27, 2023. by Deborah BUTTERFIELD at Marlborough Gallery Τα Αλογα της Ντεμπορα Μπατερφιλντ στην Γκαλλερη Μαρλμπορο. Η καλλιτεχνης χρησιμοποιει μπρουντζο με πατινα για αυτα τα αγαλματα που ειναι σε φυσικο μεγεθος, σαν να ηταν ζωντανα. Πολλα εκμαγεια συνδεονται για το τελειοτικο εργο. Η πατινα κανει τα αλογα να μοιαζουν σαν να ειναι καμωμενα απο ξυλα αποβρασμενα απο την θαλασσα. Deborah Butterfield was born on the same day as the 75th Kentucky Derby, an event which she describes as an impetus for her lifelong fascination with her unique subject matter: horses. Along with boarding and caring for her own horses, her sculptures exemplify the great appreciation and respect she has for them. Despite being an accomplished rider herself, Butterfield renders her horses as stoic and unridden, fixed in a perpetual state of solitude, their branch-like corporeality almost haunting. Simultaneously, her sculpt...
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Blog #19. The New York Sotheby's Masters Auction. January 21, 2023 Γεια σας, Σας στελνω ενα λινκ απο τα εργα που θα βγουν σε δημοπρασια στου Σοθεμπιζ. Hi, Here is a link of art works to be auctioned at Sotheby's New York. Jean-Étienne Liotard Jardinière de pommes Tiepolo, work on paper. Τιεπολο, σχεδιο σε χαρτι. Sir Peter Paul Rubens Salome presented with the head of Saint John the Baptist Jacob van Ruisdael Landscape with a windmill. Τοπιο με μιλο. Pieter Brueghel the Younger The wedding procession. Γαμηλια πομπη. Dutch School, 17th -18th century: Shipping Scene on Calm Waters. Πλοια σε ηρεμα νερα. NikeNike Air Jordan 1 Retro High Chicago 2015 | Size 102,200 USD Σνικερ Ναηκι. Εαρ Τζορνταν Princess Diana Ball Dress by Victor EdelsteinEstimate: 80,000 – 120,000 Φορεμα χοροεσπεριδας της Νταηανας Σπενσερ σχεδιασμενο απ...
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Blog #18 January 14, 2023 Eric Zener and Richard Combes at Gallery Henoch Ερικ Ζενερ και Ριτσαρντ Κομβς στην Γκαλλερι Χενοκ ERIC ZENER b.1966. Astoria, Oregon, USA Ερικ Ζενερ, 1966, Αστορια, Ορεγκον Pathways, oil on canvas, 40" x 30" Μονοπατια, ελαιογραφια, 40" Χ 30" Bloom, οil on canvas, 66" 88" Ανθη, ελαιογραφια, 66" Χ. 88" Release, oil on canvas, 48" x 48" Καταδυση, ελαιογραφια, 48" Χ 48" Last Day of Summer, oil on canvas, 60' x 70" Η τελευτεα μερα του καλοκαιριου, ελαιογραφια, 60" Χ 70" ------------------------ ΡRICHARD COMBES b. 1963, Manchester, England Ριτσαρντ Κομπς. 1963, Μαντσεστερ, Αγγλια Street Corner, Tribeca, oil on canvas, 31" x 31" Δρομος στην Τρεμπεκα, ελαιογραφια, 31" Χ 31" CollisterStreet, After the Rain, oil on canvas, 72 x 60" Δρομος Κολλιστερ, Μετα την Βροχη, ελαιογραφια, 72" Χ 60" ---------------------------------------------------------------...
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Blog #17. January 6,2023 by Skarstedt Gallery presents Cristina BanBan: Mujeres . Featuring new work, the exhibition marks BanBan’s first show with the gallery. Gallery's Press Release Each of the paintings on view are titled either Mujer or Mujeres , Spanish for woman or women. This word gets to the heart of BanBan’s practice, which remains consistent in its subject matter even as she continues to mature and evolve as a painter. Women—their bodies and contradictory emotions—are BanBan’s core subject. Through their forms, she is able to filter her daily experiences and vast array of influences onto the canvas. The result is a series of works that are at once personal and universal. The various women in BanBan’s universe do not meet the viewer’s gaze, nor do they necessarily engage with those around them. While this may speak to the pervasive feeling of isolation in our contemporary society, it also underscores th...