Blog #14.  Dec. 11, 2022.  

Anselm Kiefer's "Exodus" at the Gagosian Gallery , until December 23rd.

Η "Εξοδος" του Ανσελμ Κιφερ  στην γκαλλερι Γκαγκοσιαν μεχρι τις 23 Δεκεμβριου

Quote from the gallery's press release.

I have been a stranger in a strange land.   Ημουν ξενος σε ξενη χωρα, Εξοδος 2¨22
—Exodus 2:22

The large-scale paintings on view employ a wide range of materials including paint, terra-cotta, fabric, rope, wire, found objects, sediment of electrolysis, and metal—including copper and gold leaf. Mixing the abject and the exalted, these works are imbued with gesture, a sense of metamorphosis, and alchemical symbolism.

Kiefer’s syncretic approach to materials extends to his understanding of history, literature, and mythology as forces that inform the present. In this new body of work, he incorporates inscriptions in Hebrew from the book of Exodus, with thematic references to its narrative blended with a diversity of other sources. Full of symbolic thresholds between peoples, places, and times, the paintings are metaphysical allegories that meditate on loss and deliverance, dispossession and homecoming.


Ο Ανσελμ Κιφερ ειναι ενας γερμανος καλλιτεχης που γεννηθηκε το 1945.  Χρησιμοποιει ζωγραφικη και κολλαζ για να εκφρασει την προσωπικη του εμπειρια μετα τα ιστορικα γεγονοτα του Δευτερου Παγκοσμιου πολεμο στην Γερμανια με λυρισμο, σε γιγαντιες δυναμικες συνθεσεις.

Anselm Kiefer, a German artist born in 1945 combines painting and sculpture to express his post WWI historical identity in lyrical, harrowing, impactful gigantic panels.  A breathtaking show. 

Enjoy art!


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